Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The great purge has begun.

First conservatives who oppose national dissolution via amnesty were branded racist and undocumented border defense volunteers were called vigilantes by President Bush. Then Conservatives who opposed Harriet E. Miers were called elitist and sexist for demanding competence, a track record, and clearly defined Constitutional principles for a perspective member of our Judicial Oligarchy. Yesterday, bloggers including Michelle Malkin,were smeared by the Wall Street Journal for exploring the obvious implications of the Oklahoma University bombing.
Now, the National Center for Policy Analysis has canned Bruce Bartlett. For years I have defended Neo Conservatives from the charges that they are neo-Jacobins and have given the mainstream conservative movement the benefit of the doubt on its uxorious behavior towards President Bush.
Thermador has begun, will the ACU be next to face the national razor?

Thank you Lawrence Auster at View From the Right for bringing this to my attention.


At 1:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. These folks truly are Neo-Jacobins. Paul Gottfried gets a big kudo from me because he was the probably the first one to call it. Larry Auster saw the writing on the wall early on as well. A full scale purge is now under way, it would appear. What a sorry state of affairs!

At 1:12 AM, Blogger RonL said...

Did you actually want me to respond to that pablum?


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