Friday, July 22, 2005

Not Halal
In an act of terminal stupidity, the overwhelmingly Democrat New York City Council passed and the RINO Mayor Bloomberg signed a bill repealing the provisions of the food and general vendor laws requiring that officials check the citizenship status of license applicants.
These amply compensated politicians may not have to worry about their hot dog coming with a side of drug-resistant TB, but we all have to worry about terrorism. How hard would it be to hide 100 pounds of explosives in a food cart and wheel it to city hall?

What Bin Laden Couldn’t do, City Hall can, thanks to The Supreme Court
The MTA is seizing stores on Fulton street, just as they recover from September 11th. Having stayed at this location out of a sense of patriotism and loyalty to the city, the small business owners are being offered ¼ of the value of their stores.
And people wonder why businesses continue to leave New York.

Mayor Bloomberg's attempt to buy his way out of being the next John Lindsey hits a speedbump.

National Union split asunder, civil war to commence (please)?

Who Guards the Guardians?
Schumer has a point, kind of. Whether one support the nomination of Judge John Robert to the supreme court, are skeptical, or a scared by him, we should all support efforts to have a nominee state his positions.

Traditionally, nominees have been judged on the basis of their qualifications and character. It is time to re-evaluate this deference.
The Supreme Court, once limited to protecting the Constitution, have become super legislators. Whether the degeneration began with Marbury vs Madison or in the Court-packing crisis of 1937, by the Warren era, the court had become a Judicial oligarchy of nine. Even the supposedly conservative Rehnquist court, has done failed to restore the Constitutional order.

Driven by legal fads, changing mores, and the power to rewrite the Constitution’s meaning, the true Nazgul conjured new “rights” like abortion out of penumbras while property rights, equality under the law, and the First and Second Amendment where interpreted out of existence. (Evidently the First Amendment was really created to protect pornography and the secular humanist state, not to protect political speech or the independence of houses of worship.)

I for one, would like to know if Judge Robert’s thinks that Roe v Wade is “settled Constitutional Law”, despite having no basis in the Constitution.
I would like to know what prior court decisions Roberts disagrees with.
Robert’s defense of Judicial Supremacy in his testimonial duel with Schumer in 2003, is troubling.
"With respect, Senator, you're getting back in the area of asking me to criticize particular Supreme Court precedents. I think it's inappropriate because it would be harmful to the independence and integrity of the Federal judiciary. The reason I think key to the independence and strength of the Federal judiciary is that judges come to the cases before them, unencumbered by prior commitments, beyond the commitment to apply the rule of law and the oath that they take."
Which is it? Is Roberts encumbered by precedent (Roe, Kelo, Grutter …) or is his true commitment to the Constitution, and dare I pray, to restoring our branches of government to the status of co-equals?


At 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Insiders who know of Judaism's formidable power in the financial and cultural arenas refer to them as the "tribe" ( from the original and ancient tribe of Judah). Jews were originally a slave class who were lead out of Egypt, eventually settled in the Canaan Valley, were conquered by the Romans and expelled by them in the year 67AD. From there the Diaspora scattered to the winds and counties of Africa, Spain, Poland ,Germany, Russia and the Orient. In Spain the Sephardim Jews were expelled in 1492. In England the Ashkenazim Jews were expelled and later readmitted by Cromwell. The Ashkenazim were largely found in Germany, Poland and Russia. Everywhere and at all times they lived apart from Gentiles. Jews are highly ethnocentric and collectivist even until today.

In the period preceding the Holocaust, Europeans voiced only vocal support for the Jews and fell dangerously short in failing to grant them asylum. Lastly in the first half of the 19th century a young Jew, Karl Marx, attended the lectures of the famous Georg Hegel in Berlin and spent time with the young Hegelians . Marx, from a rabbinical family, devised a philosophy which combined Hegel and the tenants of Judaism in a highly secular form. At the heart of Marxism is collectivism.

Marxism would become the awesome ideological weapon employed by Lenin ,Trotsky,Stalin and a Judeo-revolutionary core which would murder 10's of millions of gentile Christians in Poland and Russia. It is not to say that all Jews participated yetenough did to make it a Jewish political and intellectual movement.

At the same time as the Bolshevik horror was on parade, Hitler surveyed the phenomenon and determined it as a profoundly Jewish threat through and through. It was also his decision that Jews functioned as a collective and they must either be expelled or exterminated in masse. What remains poorly portrayed is the causality of these events. To portray Judaism as an innocent victim is simply insane. The definition of insanity is to be bound to repeat the past and in important respects Judaism has failed to own up to its complicity in Bolshevism as well as the Communism which many US Jews ignored until 1990.

Looking at Judaism from a new and evolutionary perspective makes excellent sense. Less a universal Religion as we think of Christianity as being, Judaism is a very strong ethnic group which has practiced its own form of selective breeding with other Jews and keeping their gene pool unique relative to other competing groups. The Ashkenazim Jews have an IQ which is an entire standard deviation over Caucasians. The price paid for their relative lack of assimilation has been anti-Semitism. Anti-semitism has also occured in competition for resources and reproductive rights. They also engaged in high investment parenting. Most instances of anti Semitism have occurred when competing with the goyim, or 'other'. There has always and at all times been the Jews profound sense of being different or alien.

Remember that rather than focusing on the individual level, strong attention is now given by evolutionary psychologists like Kevin Mac Donald, and greater emphasis is placed on group evolutionary survival strategies. It also goes beyond just survival and the next step of reproductive success, increased propagation, high investment parenting and the acquisition of resources and yes, power.

At 11:40 PM, Blogger RonL said...

Anonymous/ GRL,
Nothing in this Blog entry has anything to do with Jewish culture, much less a Jewish conspiracy.
Please keep any and all post relevent, or I will be forced to censor the blog.
I do plan to address a number of your arguments in a future entry, at which point you are welcome to answer.
I do hope that you will watch your facts.

For instance, there are many mistakes in your first paragraph.
Judea was conquered around 40 BCE, when Pompei sacked Jerusalem. It surved for another century 200 years as a client kigndom (ethnarchy) and then governed province. In 67CE, Jews revolted from Roman/Hellenist oppression. The Great Revolt ended in 71CE with the capture of Massada. While the Romans took hundreds of thousands of slaves and killed an equal number, the land remained ethnically Jewish. In 117CE, there was a revolt in Judea and in the Roman Diaspora. There was another large revolt in 135-37, the Bar Kochba revolt. The last revolt occured only in 617CE, during the final Byzantine-Persian war.
If you wish to learn about this period, please see

At any rate, please refrain from positing anti-Semitic tracts, especially to blog entries that have nothing to do with Jews.
I will not all this blog to be infested by trolls.


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